Adding your team

Understand users, team members and your subscription.

In tiny+ all users are known as Team Members. You can add Team Members with Active accounts, which will affect your subscription, or as Ghost accounts, which will not.

Adding a new Team Member

Navigate to the Team Members page from the main menu. On the right hand side, select the blue + new team member button.

Fill in the user's full name, title and company email address. When you click Create team member, an invitation will be sent to their company email address if you set their account type to Active. No email invitation is sent if Ghost is selected.

And that's it!

Understanding user account types

When managing Team Members, there are three possible states a user account can be in.

The Ghost user is especially useful for setting up new accounts. You can create records for your team members, import content for their accounts and then change their status from Ghost to Active when you are ready for users to access tiny+.

When a Team Member leaves

If a team member leaves the business you can change their role to Deactivated. This removes them from your Account's subscription so you are no longer charged for their account. And you can still reference their associated projects, companies and contacts.

You can re-activate a Deactivated team member by changing their status back to Active. This will send them a new invitation email.

When you're ready, you can also choose to delete the team member record entirely.

The Account Admin role

By default, all users have limited permissions to access tiny+. You can grant particular users Account Admin status after you have created their Team Member record, either from the Account Settings -> Users screen, or on the individual Team Member page, by selecting Make an account admin from the [...] menu button.

Account Admins have unrestricted access to your account, including access to all records, and user and subscription management.

You can revoke the Account Admin role at any time in the same location.

Last updated