User Permissions & Roles
Set different levels of access to tiny+ for your team members.
tiny+ provides a range of built-in roles to give you fine-grained control over the way your team members can use and access the app.
The available roles and a description of what they provide are set out in the table below.
Account Admins are the only role that can assign or remove roles to other users.
Assigned roles can be viewed and edited by Account Admins in tiny+ at the Account Settings -> Users screen.
Standard User
A standard user can create new projects, companies, contacts and enquiries, and they can edit and delete those records which they are associated with. They may see financial information only for projects they are associated with. They may not import or export data or add other users to tiny+.
Account Admin
This role has complete access to all areas of tiny+. As well as all the permissions set out in all the other roles below, an Account Admin can change all account settings; make changes to the firm's tiny+ subscription; and administer all other users.
Records Admin
A Records Admin is given full read, edit and delete permissions for all project, company, contact, enquiry and event records in tiny+. Records Admins can also import records from spreadsheets.
Reports Admin
A Reports Admin can create, edit and delete reports for all records, rather than just the records that are related directly to them. For Pro-account plans, the Reports Admin will also have access to the Custom Reports feature. Note that in order to export a Custom Report the user will also need the 'Allow Exports' role.
News Feed Admin
A News Feed Admin can administer all news feed posts and comments, and create/edit news feed channels.
Allow Exports
This role allows access to the export features in tiny+, giving permission to export any view to Excel; or any custom report to Excel, Work or PDF format. Note that this role on its own is enough to allow a user to export all project, company and contact data.
Last updated